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"Vaccination: The Hidden Truth" Video/DVD Reviews

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New Dawn magazine review, by Mary Ellen Wheeler (1998):

In this extremely informative video, fifteen people, including Dr. Viera Scheibner (a PhD researcher), five medical doctors, other researchers, reveal what is really going on in relation to illness and vaccines. Ironically, the important facts come from the orthodox medicine’s own peer-reviewed research.

With so much government and medical promotion of vaccination for prevention of disease, the video is clearly devoted to presenting the other side of the issue that parents and others are not being told. The result is a damning account of the ineffectiveness of vaccines and their often harmful effects. It declares that parents are not being told the truth by the media, the Health Department and the medical establishment, with a medical doctor, Dr. Mark Donohoe, confessing that "It is a problem for me that I am part of a profession that is systematically lying to people…"

The video presents well documented answers to questions like:

  • Was it really vaccines that saved us?
  • Why are they only counterproductive?
  • How are many statistics misleading?
  • What do vaccines contain?
  • What are they doing to our organs, immune systems, even our genes?
  • Are childhood diseases really dangerous to healthy children?
  • Why does vaccination continue?
  • What are our rights?
  • Can vaccine damage be evaluated and countered?
  • What is the true key to immunity?

The video raises the fundamental question of whether we should be trying to prevent childhood diseases anyway, in that they contribute to the development of a healthy immune system. If what the video says is true, why is vaccination pushed so heavily by the government authorities?

In the video, Dr. Viera Scheibner, who has studied almost 100,000 pages of orthodox medical research on vaccination, warns:

"It took almost three years of research before we looked at each other and said ‘Vaccines are killing babies’… It is a well documented fact that the incidence and mortality from infectious diseases fell by 90% well before any vaccine was even introduced."

And this from Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, author of the book "Every Second Child":

"So it was obvious that I, and every other doctor for that matter, had been grossly misled… It was clearly shown that the only people who got smallpox twice were the vaccinated."

If you are in the frustrating position of wanting to inform your spouse, friends and/or relatives about vaccination, but they won’t read appropriate literature, then this video is ideal. It is clear and logical and an eye-opener. Every doctor should see and respond to it.

Extract from editorial of Nexus (July/Aug 1998) by Duncan Roads:

"The video... on vaccinations [is] so well presented in terms of educational content that I have little choice but to feel extremely frustrated at the stupidity of the whole situation. I'm sure you know the feeling: you want to go out there and make everyone you know (and everyone you don't know) digest the same information so that we can change 'the system' for the better.

But, simultaneously, you realise the sheer extent of 'the system' that perpetuates the myth that ... vaccines and immunisations work at all. We are up against many multibillion-dollar transnational corporations, plus the often well-meaning but sometimes totally ignorant medical profession, plus the majority of the often well-meaning but sometimes ignorant general public..."

EDDA WEST - President Vaccine Risk Awareness Network, Canada (1998):

"I want to express to you how much I appreciate the incredible amount of work, and personal sacrifice that you have devoted to the creation of your video. It is a wonderful educational tool - something that has been desperately needed for a long time. The feedback I am getting from people to whom I have loaned my copy is absolutely fantastic!!! I feel that it is undoubtedly one of the most important educational tools that is available at this time, and will on its own create a revolution in how people think about the vaccine issue. Your work as manifested in the video is a paradigm shifter that will help lift the veil of deception that has been perpetrated on humanity. I honour all of your creativity, inspiration, courage and hard work that has enabled you to create this film.

New Atlantean Press - Neil Z. Miller (1998):

"The best vaccine video in the world for the concerned parent."

Speakers on the video "Vaccination: The Hidden Truth" with some selected quotes

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